Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Jean's First Musings

When my first husband left, he did me a favour really. I went back to college. It wasn’t easy with two young children in different schools and income from maintenance of £18 a week. But it was in the time of grants, not loans, so I was lucky there. After five long years, I emerged with BA (Hons) in Media Studies.

That was a long time ago. I have grandchildren now. And last year I got married again, to my long-term partner. This time I knew what I was letting myself in for. It was sad that my parents were no longer alive to see that. They would have been so pleased.

I have worked in marketing, been both employed and self-employed. Now I’m semi-retired and do a bit of freelance writing and have been published in many UK publications and, more recently, on some e-zines and websites.

In the 1980s I started a novel and would like to get on with it, but I can’t find it. This is strange, and I wonder if there is some significance in it. I’m usually drowning in paper but there is some order in my chaos, and I can normally lay my hands on whatever I need. I don’t have an electronic version of my chapters because I started it on an Amstrad which soon went to its demise, so unless I can find the hard copy I know I kept, I’ll just have to start again. This I’m putting off until my next house move, which I hope is imminent.

The 1980s was also when I first started freelancing alongside my day job. I’m amazed now to find how much support I can get from the internet. I belong to some virtual writing communities and it’s so different from the isolation that I used to work in. There are many more opportunities on the web too, albeit mostly rewarded very poorly. But that doesn’t matter so much now that I have some independent means ie a pension - and a husband.

This blog posting has been very self indulgent – writing about me throughout. I’m sure my future musings will take me in some other directions, but no doubt I’ll do some more remembering as well.

Writing Tip


If you approach writing with a teachable attitude, you can learn from many sources.

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