Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Health Problems

So. I am sick, with some nasties growing inside my torso. I guess they are going to get me in the end, but the medics are determined to prolong things with surgery and new drugs. I shall go along with this because I really want to be around for the next few years with my daughter and granddaughter living here, and my son and partner not far away. And I'd like to see more of my older granddaughter and the great-grandees. The youngest is a year old today.

And I want more time with Jade. She is progressing well after her op. I rook her for physiotherapy this afternoon and the therapist was really pleased as she hadn't seen her for two weeks. Next Monday week she has her follow up consultation with the surgeon.

In the pic she is sitting at my feet as I perch on an upturned boat at our harbour
beach. We can go there again now as long I take her in the car, lifting her in and out, and she doesn't walk for more than 15 minutes. She has a sandy nose from all the sniffing and snuffling she's been doing, and she's looking at me as if to say, 'what are you doing sitting there. Come on. Let's get going.'

Writing Tip


Write with wisdom and careful thought, because in publishing, haste often makes waste.

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