Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Blanket Dispute

It's my blanket. No, it's mine

I think Rafi won this one when we came in from our walk, even before I had time to take the leads off them. But Jade got her own back by sitting on him.

Saturday, 21 November 2015


I don't want this blog to be full of doom and gloom, so I haven't posted much lately. The days have been full of trying to cope with the treatment for my illness, and the side effects of the cancer drugs and even when there were happier interludes I could have reported, I haven't really had the energy. But we now seem to have turned a corner with the drug trial and error and , fingers and toes crossed, we may have found the right dosage of the right drug to keep the tumours at bay and still allow me some quality of life.

I looked in on my singing group yesterday, was made a big fuss of and even managed to warble a few of the Christmas songs being practised for the seasonal sing-outs. Maybe I'll get to join in with them yet.

My daughter has started her new job. My neighbours have been helping out with dog walks. My granddaughter has begun taking two buses to school and is more grown up than ever. She put on a pair of new shoes today and is now - at 12 years old - taller than both myself and her mother.

Jade has also found a new lease of life; her limp disappears when she is out walking and running around with Rafi. Yesterday my daughter met a friend to take the dogs to Sandbanks beach and this friend took a great pic of Jade. I just had to show it to you.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Brookwood Cemetery

pic by Ron Strutt

A post over at Sharkbytes' My Quality Day' has inspired this one. It reminded me of  the largest cemetery in England which I pass in the train on the way to London. Some of my friends have done the guided tour and I have long wanted to make a visit myself.

I'm not sure what the attraction is of cemeteries. Perhaps it's just their tranquil nature. Sometimes people just want to visit the last resting place of someone famous or just known to the visitor. I just feel drawn to this place for its history and the intriguing way it looks.

I found it has a wikipaedia page which tells me it was opened mid 19th century to take the London overflow. It also mentions how spacious and uncluttered the grave sites are, and that it was landscaped and planted to make it attractive, with for example, large avenues of tall sequoia trees and various luxurious shrubs.

Half of the Necropolis was designated for those with non-Anglican religions, including Jews. It was considered so important that it had its own railway line built - the London Necropolis Railway - with a stop in each of the different halves of the grave yard. The designated railway is long gone but you can still reach the cemetery via a stop on the main line. The cemetery has developed significantly over the years and part of it was taken over by the military to accommodate war graves in the 20th century.

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