Pic is by Raimond Spekking/Wikipedia
For absolute escapism, I like to read Katie Fforde’s books. They often cover some quite difficult human issues treated sensitively, but in a way that frequently provokes a chuckle. In the end they seem lighthearted, probably because the good protagonist always wins out.
And every so often, I come across a gem of a quote. This one, from Wedding Season, recently had me scurrying to the mirror and then laughing at myself.
The speech is from the mother of a bride, after the wedding, to the dressmaker.
“Your bra has obviously been properly fitted. But if you knew how many women are ignorant of the fact that the nipple should be halfway between the top of the shoulder and the elbow. You see more nipples at elbow height than you can shake a stick at.”
Sadly, our breasts do droop as we get older. But I’d never thought of it like that before. I was one of those many ignorant women. Now I do know what to check for when I’m shopping for underwear. Was it new to you, too?
It was new for me. I'd never thought about it before. I try not to think about the fact that they do seem to be dropping as I get older.
Hi Tammy. I started that post thinking it would be rather tongue in cheek. But it did end up with a more serious message. I'll still have a little chuckle though as I'm sure I'll look at other women in a different way from now on.
I have never been good at finding the proper bra. I watched an Oprah show last year on how to properly fit and buy a bra and it was a real eye opener.
Join the club, Jude.
New to me. I guess I never realized there was a rule of thumb on this issue. Thanks so much for educating us!
Don't take it too literally. It was only a literary quote. Makes some sense though.
I had no idea, but I know that there are bra fitting specialists so I guess they must have a series of rules. Everything gets lower over time, and even the miracle bra cannot provide a big enough miracle to combat gravity.
Thanks for commenting, Tina.
Norrkoping, Sweden 15th October 2009
But on the other hand, maybe we should be grateful that there are bras that can, at least to certain degree, improve our bustline.
I would not be able to slip on some of my clothing, some dresses, without good foundation garments under!
I really enjoyed reading this article, as I do the other articles that I have read here on your blog. I just haven't taken the time to leave a comment until recently, when you helped me with the name of a plant on my blog.
Best wishes
Christina Wigren (Anna)
Norrkoping, Sweden 15th October 2009
But on the other hand, maybe we should be grateful that there are bras that can, at least to certain degree, improve our bustline.
I would not be able to slip on some of my clothing, some dresses, without good foundation garments under!
I really enjoyed reading this article, as I do the other articles that I have read here on your blog. I just haven't taken the time to leave a comment until recently, when you helped me with the name of a plant on my blog.
Best wishes
Christina Wigren (Anna)
Thanks for yet another comment, Christina.
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