Friday, 16 January 2015

The Last New Year

Yesterday my bedtime reading was part of North Country Cache by Joan Young (referred to in this previous post), in which she spent New Year’s Eve camping and hiking the North Country National Trail in sub-zero conditions. It made me think of the recent 2014 New Year’s Eve, which I spent hunkering down on a cosy sofa with my daughter, granddaughter and two dogs. We watched the start of Jules Holland, but switched over to the BBC to watch a bit of Queen and the countdown and fireworks. We all agreed that we were in a much better place than the hordes of people who had paid over their £10 for a ringside place standing up in the cold for hours.

Then I realised that my granddaughter didn’t know how to sing Auld Lang Syne, or what to do with her hands and arms. So a lesson ensued and we ended up doing our own threesome version with two sitting side by side and the small person standing in front of us. The dogs were goggle eyed. They must have thought we’d gone bananas.


Jenny Woolf said...

It's nice to go out and celebrate on New Years. I can't even remember when I learned Auld Lang Syne! Those fireworks certainly were amazing, but there is nothing like seeing them for real, I think!
I hope at the end of 2015 you will be looking back on a good year at the next lot of fireworks! I intend to try and go to see them in person, I think.

Sharkbytes said...

Yeah, as you know, I'm not one for crowds, but I think you had a wonderful New Year's celebration. And passing on Auld Lang Syne is important!

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