Friday, 20 May 2016

Another Country Walk

The dogs just love walking at Badbury Rings. It's one of the huge Dorset earthworks with a long history. I've posted about it before here. We went again recently although I can no longer walk as far as I used to. I managed to get over the top, with help of my daughter's arm and a few rest stops.

I love this pic particularly because the detail of the fallen tree is so clear.

The views from the top of the banks are amazing through 360 degrees. Rafi is particularly difficult to photograph as he rarely keeps still. Here he is showing off some modern steps that have been added to make it easier to get up and down.

Here is Jade with my daughter.

By this time the clouds were getting very threatening and we headed back to the car park and off for our lovely pub lunch at the True Lovers' Knot, a nearby hostelry that admits dogs and that we highly recommend.


Paola said...

Gorgeous's so lovely when you can be in a place where there are few other really feels yours!

Unknown said...

Hi Paola. That's so true.

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