Saturday, 10 December 2016

The Tree is Up

For about ten years I have grown a little Christmas tree in a pot in the garden. We brought it indoors in the pot each December. This year I reluctantly agreed to let it go because it was no longer happy in the pot and I don't have a place for it in the garden. I was sad to see it go, but it has made room for one that comes in a box and will be broken down and packed away when the time comes. It is taller and slimmer, and has its own built in lights, so it is easier to put up (hoping the lights still work next year). And it fits nicely into this corner. Now that we have it decorated I quite like it.


Jenny Woolf said...

A nice looking artificial tree is better than a sad "real" one. I think you made the right decision, it looks very pretty.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jenny. Glad to have my decision ratified. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

Writing Tip


Rarely does anyone skyrocket to the bestseller list. Most writers persevere, learn the craft of writing and expect to apprentice.

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