Thanks to whomever it was that infected me with a deadly Trojan, I’m £110 poorer but I now have a clean and very different looking desk top, minus all those programmes I never used and, indeed, some of which I found quite useful. Never mind, all my work was saved and I haven’t lost anything crucial.

Now, at last, I can respond to my Attitude of Gratitude Award, passed to me by Lily of Essays and Utter Nonsense. Thank you so much, Lily. I really appreciate it, and the fact that this blog is included in your list of those you love to read, as well as all the lovely comments you leave for me.
Here are the rules for this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an Attitude of Gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award.
5. Share the love and link to the blog and the person who nominated you for this award
6 Tell us how you've come to have an Attitude of Gratitude.
Like so many others, I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started this blog. But I’m so glad I did. It’s well worth all the hours of writing and reading and commenting and EC dropping and other ways of traffic building. I’ve learnt so much, found so much help and made some wonderful virtual friends. It’s given me a way to express whatever is on my mind, and even been cathartic at times, so I feel better about myself, or just feel better after I’ve posted. Especially when I get lovely comments from people like Lily and the ones I’ve nominated below. (Sorry but, like Lily, I really can’t manage the full ten.)
Dori of From a Yellow House in
Stacey at Behind the Bit. I love reading this blog even though I am no longer in the horse world myself. Stacey has a grateful attitude through her great variety of posts, and I am certainly grateful for her blog.
John at The Ups,
Joanne at Poetic Shutterbug . She shares such beautiful poems and photographs on her various blogs, that I know she is grateful for all the wonders around us.
David of Alone on Earth. Because of the nature of his blog, I’m sure David will not feel able to respond to this award. But perhaps he can put it in his sidebar. I include him because I am so grateful for the hours of pleasure I’ve had reading this fictional diary. It’s hard to believe that, apart from the blog, he is not yet a published writer.
Glad your PC is feeling better. Oh, I hate to hear that 'T' word! Really glad you didn't lose any work.
Hi Jean, happy to see you back and glad you got your computer sorted. Thank you very much for the award and the kind words in your post.
Welcome back! And thanks for pointing the way to some more fascinating blogs.
Thanks so much for passing this award along to me and for your kind and generous words about my blog :) You're the best! Have a great weekend!
Lily - thanks. the most annoying thing is that I did lose my email address book. But even that has its silver lining because I will start over and just add the ones I really need now. All the dead ones have already been weeded out.
Jon - you are so deserving of awards. I noticed one of your older CC articles has just shifted. Hope all is going well otherwise.
Linda (WIAR) - thank you for comment and for following those blogs.
Dori - I did have a great weekend thanks, partying at my nephew's 40th in Torquay. And you are highly deserving of the award as well. I don't pass them on lightly.
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