Friday, 29 October 2010


Vanilla Seven would like to see more of the gargoyles in my Hereford Library photos.  Cropping them like this doesn't make for the clearest of pictures but at least they come up larger.

This first one shows a pig and a monkey facing away from each other.

Not too sure about this one.  It looks a bit like a develish naked cellist.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Another Award

It’s a long time since I received an award for my blog so I’m thrilled to have this one passed to me by Mel of Home Sweet Home.  She told me just before we went on our week’s holiday at the beginning of the month, so I need to apologise for taking so long to acknowledge it publicly.

 Now I need to fulfil the responsibilities that come with it.  First I have to report 7 Random Things About Me, so here goes:

1. I have two blogs.  This one and another at Writelink.

2. I am a senior blogger, but I’m not going to tell you how senior.

3. I am only semi-retired from my business, which was called Winning Communications, because as soon as I decided to retire, an old client came back to me.

4. Nowadays I like to call myself a freelance writer and write whatever I want, but I also have some sub-contract work.

5. Last year I had a dream come true when I moved to a new house at the seaside.

6. I live with my husband, a retired taxi driver, and currently with my son who is in his 40s but needed somewhere to park when a relationship went badly wrong.

7. We used to have a dog and a cat, but they have both gone to the great animal home in the sky.  Now we just like to look after pets for our friends and had a doggie house guest last weekend along with my seven year old granddaughter.

Finally I need to pass this award on to some of my versatile blogger friends.  This time I’ve selected:

There are some I know that have already received it, and many more who deserve it as well, including some that have given up accepting awards, and I thought I’d just mention the first seven that otherwise came to mind.  Please don’t be upset if I have left you out this time; I truly appreciate each and every one of  you.  On the other hand, if you’ve been named and don’t have the time or energy to respond, that’s all right too.  I don’t want to add to anyone’s pressures.  Just writing a blog and driving in traffic is hard enough sometimes.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Technical Problem and Lots of Work

I wish I'd made my post earlier today.  Now I can't post my Wordless Wed pic because blogger maintenance means I can't upload any images. 

I'm supposed to be retired and just blogging and writing to fill up my days.  Yesterday I drafted a marketing leaflet for my daughter's new business.  Today I had a meeting with a client that still needs me and I've just received a commission for website content for three new sites needed yesterday.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. 

Meanwhile I've started to sort out a post about an award I've received and need to pass on, but I'm too tired to sort out all the links tonight.  I need to post in order to get my adgitize earnings today so I thought I'd just let you know what I have in store for your reading delight and call it a day.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Swans on the Stour

On day one of our recent holiday, we set off in the late morning to drive to our Herefordshire destination.  The weather was rather cloudy with the sun occasionally bursting through.  We decided to leave the main road and take the scenic route.  When we crossed the narrow stone bridge over the River Stour at Spetisbury, this was the delightful scene that met my eye.

I was trying to remember the word for a gathering of swans.  The word gaggle came to mind, but I believe it’s only associated with geese.  Anyway this definitely looked like a gathering together of a number of swan families.  Don’t they make a great addition to this river landscape?

Monday, 11 October 2010

Home from the Hols

We got back from our week's break on Saturday afternoon.  Had a lovely time just chilling out in between getting to see a bit more of our lovely countryside.  We stayed in the cottage at the Kinnersley Arms in Herefordshire.  The link takes you to the page on the pub's website that tells you about the cottage.  Check out the other pages to find out more.  The pub's food was pretty good too, and the people were friendly and fun.

There was a bonus for us on the way home as well.  We stopped off to visit another pub run by some people we knew when we lived in our last house.  It had been a while since we'd seen them and we were able to meet their 11 month old son and learn that their next child will be born in February.  Some doting grandparents, also friends of ours, were there too, and then in walked two more people from our old town, with Bramble, the gorgeous springer spaniel who stays with us when her master needs a break.  So we had an unexpected reunion with some lovely mates, before it was time to get on the road again.

I took loads of photos and, when I've managed all my catching up, I'll be posting some of the places we visited.

Writing Tip


If you approach writing with a teachable attitude, you can learn from many sources.

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