Thursday, 21 June 2012

My Helium Articles

When Helium declared it wanted exclusive rights to articles, I stopped submitting there. Previously I posted pieces that I had already sold for non-exclusive rights so they could earn a little more for me. I have a small portfolio of 49 articles still there and earning from revenue share provided I keep rating other people's articles. I currently have a little over $20 in my account which I am determined I'm not going to let them keep. So I have to get it up to the payment threshold of £25. If I stop rating I stop earning, so I still have to spend time at Helium out of my busy days.

So, my blogger friends, this is a plea for help. I seem to get 1 cent for every five or ten views of my articles, so, if you have time please go and read one that interests you. How about one about staffie dogs or another about visiting the largest tree in the world. Many of my pieces have lost their top rating but most of them have already been snapped up by customers at Constant Content, so they aren't that bad. You can see more articles listed at my Helium page by clicking on this sign in my side bar.

Once I've claimed my payment I'll be able to forget about Helium, but it will have served its purpose in bringing me over $100 over a couple of years.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My Day Off

My blogging schedule is slipping a bit at the moment. Life is pretty busy, but yesterday I took a day off as I was invited to join a lunch for the family and friends of a new friend of mine. We were all supporting our local community by lunching at Bournemouth college's Escoffier gourmet restaurant, where first year students were practising what they'd been learning about the hospitality business. Of course that meant we could have an excellent three course meal at a bargain price, so everyone was happy.

And excellent it was, with several starter and main course choices, plus the Escoffier Assiettes for dessert. While we waited for the starters, we were served some delicious, nutty flavoured bread with plenty of butter.  My starter was chicken liver parfait with a sliver of toast and salad leaves, plus a very sweet chutney. I followed this with a poached salmon fillet in bearnaise sauce, served on a bed of  squashed potatoes with green beans. Every main course also came with a half moon plate on which was a potato filled crispy ball, some sliced asparagus and a volauvent containing a a small portion of creamy mixed beans. When it was time for dessert, everyone was served an oblong plate with a small creme brulee, a small piece of bakewell tart and a ball of chocolate brownie ice cream on a crisp sliver of sweet biscuit. 

All at the amazing price of £9.99. Now aren't you jealous? Well, if you have your own local college, check it out. Unfortunately you'll probably have to wait until September because they'll all be breaking up for the summer soon.

Oh, I nearly forgot. I went on the bus so I could have a drink. And I shared a bottle of Australian red with my friend at a cost of £7 each. The bus rides home went by in a haze, but I did manage to get off at the right stop and totter the few hundred yards home.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Memories of the River Teign

I really like this picture which came bundled with one of my old computers in a file of images labelled scenic, and has been copied onto each  new system ever since. I'd love to know where it was taken.

The red of the rock and the foliage over the water reminds me of a place I used to go for a day out with some of my cousins on the banks of the River Teign when I was a child. It was called Red Rock. I found this photo of it at Wikimedia Commons.

Photo by Paul Hutchinson 

Monday, 11 June 2012

My Life by Jade - My First Lamb Bone

Now why hasn't my mummy given me one of these before? I know she often cooks them on a Sunday. It is so delicious. I've been chomping on it for about an hour, and she's had a really peaceful time to get on with her work. I'm sure it's good for my teeth as well. There was some meat left on, but I made short work of that, and licked it all clean. Then I tried and tried to break into that bone but I couldn't. And do you know what my mummy did when I was so tired I had to take a little nap? She put my lovely bone in the bin and I can't have it any more.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee River Pageant

This pageant on the River Thames in London on Sunday June 3rd celebrated the 60 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II. She is the woman in white near the centre of this picture with members of her family. She is 86 years old and she stood throughout the progression of her Royal Barge for over two hours.
pic from Wikimedia Commons by Bex.Walton 

Here is another, smaller royal barge which accompanied her.

 pic from Wikimedia Commons by Tony Harrison

There were around a thousand vessels in the pageant, including these passenger boats 
pic from Wikimedia Commons by Kevan Davis

and these man powered boats. 

pic from Wikimedia Commons by AdamBMorgan

Before the end it was pouring with rain, but it didn't dampen the spirits of the thousands of cheering people lining the banks and crowding onto higher vantage points, as you you can see in some of the pictures. I sat in comfort at home a hundred or so miles away, watching on the TV. But I really would love to have been there.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Haiku Holiday Memory Jerker

Yesterday on the TV I watched the Queen’s progress  in the Royal Barge at the centre of the River Thames pageant to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of her reign. It was very emotive to watch the patriotic display of boats of all shapes and sizes and the millions of spectators waving their flags and cheering them on.  It made me wish I could have been there.

But the swirling Thames also reminded of another  river – The Nile –  and our fabulous holiday on its banks three years ago. My haiku holiday diary first appeared at Marc Latham’s Folding MirrorPoetry website.

Wed 18 Mar
Luxor is hot and
so noisy. Why did we choose
to holiday here?
Thur 19 Mar
We walk out from the
oasis of our hotel,
swim above the Nile.

Fri 20 Mar
Early start for the
West Bank – those temples and tombs.
Wonderful Luxor.
Sat 21 Mar
We visit Luxor’s
soaring city temple and
the sphinx avenue.
Sun 22 Mar
On George’s birthday
cruise to Dendora, I buy
Egyptian textiles.
Mon 23 Mar
Restaurant haven
means we can eat away from
the sudden sandstorm.
Tues 24 Mar
Karnak is biggest
of all the temples, and where
pharoah gods once ruled.
Wed 25 Mar
White birds sitting on
the Nile float upstream till the
flock lifts to fly back.
Thur 26 Mar
Meet Egyptian kids
at Medinat Habu – most
colourful temple.
Fri 27 Mar
Tiny, little birds,
yellow breast and  black on top,
turquoise shoulder flash.
Sat 28 Mar
Cruise ships manoeuvre
awkwardly across the Nile.
One goes on its way.
Sun 29 Mar
Tented enclosure
is where we eat Egyptian
food beside the Nile.
Mon 30 Mar
Riding on camels
alongside the river, through
wheat and sugar cane.
Tues 31 Mar
Have a final dip
in the hotel’s swimming pool
Tomorrow we leave.
Wed 1 Apr
We fly through the night.
Pinpoint lights below seem like
stars all up-side-down.

Writing Tip


Write with wisdom and careful thought, because in publishing, haste often makes waste.

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