Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Monday, 28 January 2013
Stormy Weather
The weather was wild at Hamworthy Park today. We battled the
wind to walk down to the shore line. There it still tried to push us inland.
The tide was high and in danger of overwhelming the promenade which was
splashed with angry spray as the roaring waves hit the beach wall.
Jade was alternately excited and fearful. We braved the
muddy grass and went behind the beach huts for shelter, but in the gaps between
them it took our breath away. Jade wasn’t buffeted as much since she is so low
to the ground. Overall I think she enjoyed the wild weather.
And what we saw was inside Poole harbour, where it usually
looks like this.
I almost wish we had braved
an extra 20 minute drive to see the open sea from the top of Canford Cliffs.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Urban Wildlife
The other morning Jade and I stepped outside into the cold
and headed towards the park. Well, I did, and Jade was lagging behind. When she
started barking excitedly I turned around to quiet her and saw she was looking up
at the roof opposite. There right at the very top stood a regal heron taking no
notice of the little upstart on the ground. He stood there for a few moments,
then spread his enormous wings and flew off towards the back of the houses
across the road. Must have gone down as I didn’t see him again. I wonder if
anyone lost fish from a pond in a back garden. The heron looked much like the
one in this photo by Ardea cinerea found at Wikimedia Commons.
The next day, fortunately, it was me whose eye was caught. We
left home at the same time as the young mum over the road left to walk her
children to school and were walking parallel on either side of the road. As we approached
the park I saw what I thought was a light brown dog running up the other side
of it. It stopped and waited as the young family entered the park to go up the
footpath and steps to the road above us. We crossed over and were stopped by
more schoolchildren coming out of the house next to the park who wanted to pet
Jade. When I started into the park, Jade was still distracted, but I clearly
saw the fox walk up to the end of the garden wall, where it stopped and looked straight
at me, before turning into the undergrowth on the bank at the side of the boundary wall. It was a
magnificent specimen, much larger than Jade, looking well fed, with a thick
coat and just a touch of white at the throat, rather less white than the one in
this beautiful photo by Malene Thyssen, also from Wikimedia Commons.
I kept Jade on her lead until we were well past that bank. I’d
been told there was probably a fox den in the bank and I guess that proves it.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Overcoming Writer's Block
I feel like I have writer’s block, which really means I feel too lazy to get my
head around what I’m supposed to be writing about, I sometimes use my blog to
get myself going. Like today. I’d much rather draft something I can put in here
than think about how to write about mortgage mis-selling, which is my current
brief. If I were sticking to my weekly schedule, I would have posted here
yesterday, but all I got around top was rewriting 120 words that needed
changing in a newsletter written before Christmas. So the lazy trend is
continuing, and I need to write myself out of it. Here goes.
of things got in the way yesterday. My son has been unemployed for nearly two
months now. I got him out of bed at 10 am to take a call from an agency about
yet another temporary job. He got all excited and rushed around getting ready
while I sorted out a flask of coffee and a packed lunch. Off he went to the bus
stop and was just about to board the bus when the agency called again to cancel
the job. (They called again this morning to say it was back on and this time hubby
drove him to the work site and he’s still there. Fingers crossed it will last a
few weeks.)
delayed me starting work, which was just as well as when I checked my emails
there was one changing my brief on what I was intending to do, and also asking
for the changes to the newsletter. But it was close to time to stop for lunch
with hubby, after which we always go out with Jade and do all the errands.
Yesterday that meant a trip to Asda to stock up for a few days.
of the snow is gone today and yesterday what was left in the park at the beach was lying on the grass. It wasn’t really snow any more as it had turned to ice. Visibility
wasn’t good; there was a mist over the water. But looking across the harbour to
the Purbeck Hills, we could just see that they were all still covered with the
white stuff.
walked the tarmac paths and I went on the beach with Jade and threw stones for
her. She hares after them and then digs a hole to bury them in the sand. At
least she gets a bit of exercise that way while we stroll around. Other dog
owners bring balls, often with long contraptions to pick them up without having
to bend down. We’ve tried taking balls out but Jade just runs after them and
then leaves them where they stop, so I have to collect them. She hasn’t
learnt to fetch so I think I need to learn how to teach her that.
back through this text I see that I have used the word yesterday six times.
That puts me in mind of a Beatles song that I love.
after that miscellany, I have about 50 minutes before I stop for lunch etc.
Watch out, rogue financial advisers who’ve been mis-selling mortgages. I’m on your case.
dog walking,
Hamworthy Park,
writer's block,
Friday, 18 January 2013
My Life by Jade: Snow

I tried not to step on it when we came out because there was a patch of ground by the front door that it had missed. But I couldn't stay there for ever so I put one foot out onto the snow and it sank down and left a hole behind when I lifted it again. Mummy was getting impatient so I decided I'd just have to follow her, but I was soon in front because she was walking very slowly and carefully. At the end of the road we had to get across to the other side and we hopped between the car tyre tracks.
Then we were in the park and Mummy let me run free for a while, but as soon as I had pooped and she had dealt with that, she said we had to go home again. I found out that it was fun to gallop around in that snow and I wasn't too happy about that.
But before we left the park we heard children shouting and laughing. They were at the top of the steps that take you up the hill and they crawled under the railings to the hill. I heard a thundering noise and some screaming. Suddenly one came swooping down the hill sitting on a sort of tray thing. When it stopped he was laughing so I guess it was ok.
But I was glad we had to go home then. I wouldn't want to be in the way when something like that came flying down. And now I'm glad to be able to rest in my cosy bed while Mummy gets on with her work in front of me.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Rafi is Growing up
I don't really want to be measured against the hand of a nine year old. But I suppose if I'm sleeping with my teddy it's ok. I'm soon going to be old enough to be introduced to Jade. I hope she is nice to me.
Monday, 14 January 2013
Horse Chestnuts in Bloom
I had a little comment conversation with Joan at My Quality Day about chestnut and horse chestnut trees. So I thought I'd display these gorgeous specimens in Poole Park. I was lucky enough to catch them in full bloom in May a couple of years ago. Must remember to visit again this year at the right time.
I've discovered a few facts about these trees in the UK, that you might find interesting. Like me, the Victorians loved to visit the flowering horse chestnuts and, around the start of the 20th century, Chestnut Sundays were introduced, when large groups of people would take their picnics to the park and take in the vistas of trees in the flowering season.
Horse chestnuts, of course, produce conkers, beloved of 10 year old and thereabouts boys and tomboys. The small Northamptonshire village of Ashton hosts the World Conker Championships on the second Sunday of October each year. The first recorded game of conkers was on the Isle of Wight in 1848, year of revolutions in Europe. A possible reason for the name of the tree is that conkers can be medicinal for horses
Anyway I hope our horse chestnuts will remain blight free so that we can continue to enjoy them adorned with their candle like flowers each year when May comes around.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
White Irises
I love this picture, taken on a visit to Exbury Gardens early in May 2011. The dainty white irises make me think of ballerinas in Swan Lake.
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Foodie Interlude
I had another interlude yesterday. After a morning meeting in
Bournemouth I joined a friend for lunch. “You must come to Day’s,” she said. “It’s
quite an experience”. And it was.
We entered from a shopping mall and went down some stairs, at the
bottom of which is a receptionist who required payment for the buffet, so we
paid for our meals in advance. I thought the restaurant would be in a dark
basement, but it wasn’t. The room was enormous and one end was a wall of
windows onto the street on the far side. A lot of clever lighting and glass effect ornaments
meant it wasn’t dark anywhere.
The centre of the room was filled with tables and two sides of it
housed the oriental buffet of 150 dishes. Most of the fourth side was taken up with a
bar where we had to buy our spritzers. After being shown to a table, we were
left alone to go to the buffet and choose our food. We could go back and get
another plateful as often as we liked until the restaurant closed at 3 pm to
get ready for the evening session. We didn’t actually stay that long but we
could have carried on eating till then if we wanted to. In fact I just selected
one plateful from the starters, another from the main courses an one from the
desserts, missing out on the Indian and other special selections because I
couldn’t manage to eat any more.
You can see some pictures of typical dishes on their
website. It was all was excellent, and the best thing about it was that you
didn’t have to choose just one or two dishes, but could serve yourself small
portions of several. The starters seemed to be mainly protein oriented, but
there were lots of vegetable dishes in the main course selection to make up for
that. After all that I could only manage fruit and profiteroles. It was
fantastic value at only £7.99. I didn’t need any more food all day.
In the evening it costs a few pounds more and they add about a hundred
more dishes to select from. I think I’ll be heading that way again.
oriental food buffet,
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Holidays and Interludes
Christmas came and went in a flash. I was busy entertaining
and having a great time. But then it was time to catch up so now I’m even
busier, and I don’t feel as though I’ve had a break at all. So far, Saturdays
and Sundays have been work days like all the others. Well, not quite all. I do try and take one day off each week when
I get right away from the house and the office for a few hour , when hubby
stays behind and has the responsibility of the dog. I call these my interludes.
And every day that I’m in I get the benefit of dog walking
after lunch. New Year’s Day was the one bright sunny day, and after a morning
at work, we joined the hordes driving to Sandbanks but turned off before the
beach to ascend the hill and park on the cliff top, so we could walk along
looking down on the crowds exercising their dogs on the sands. It was so lovely
to feel the sun and the breeze on my face, and take in the glorious views while
Jade ran around and snuffled around
doing all the doggie things. It really recharged my batteries so I could go
back into my office and polish off some more writing work, which I usually stop at about 9 pm.
January 2nd was my interlude day. I saw the film,
Anna Karenina. Very impressive. I haven’t
read this book by Tolstoy yet. All I knew was how it would end. Now I want to
read it to find out how true the film was to his story. I do know the acting
was fantastic, the costumes were amazing, and the film making techniques were
unusual and worked well for me, although I did hear some people behind me
complaining about them.
You’ll get some idea of them from the trailer below.
Anna Karenina,
doggy routine,
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