Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Krazy Kats

I’m always fascinated by where writers get their ideas from. Sometimes I look back at my own and marvel at what sparks off some research, and then where it leads.

In the recent half term, I took my four year old granddaughter to a children’s theatre performance of Clownderella. It was the familiar story of Cinderella told by a clown, with the help of props and puppets.

We had lots of fun, and I was so impressed that afterwards I looked up the company that put it on. That’s how I came to find out about the Krazy Kat Theatre Company and its work, not only of entertaining children and people who can hear, and those who can’t, but also teaching aspiring young actors in government funded workshops.

All the company’s performances incorporate sign language and audiences come away with a little knowledge of how to communicate that way. Krazy Kat employs and teaches actors with a Level 2+ competency in BSL.

Through my research I have learnt something about the life and good works of the founder of the company, sadly no longer with us, and his partner, The Artistic Director, who performed Clownderella so beautifully for us.

I can also report that the next acting workshops, offered by Krazy Kat in cooperation with ALRA (The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts) take place in April and July at the ALRA premises in Wandsworth, London. The first is a 5 day TV Acting Course and the second, also 5 days, is a Theatre Acting Course. Places are limited, of course, and will be awarded following interviews and auditions on 15 March and 17 May.

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Writing Tip


Rarely does anyone skyrocket to the bestseller list. Most writers persevere, learn the craft of writing and expect to apprentice.

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