Monday, 14 April 2008


Ok. So I wasn't here last week. My last blog was on Friday 4th April. And I'm supposed to be here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That's one of the rules I've written into my schedule.

But I forgot to give myself any leave. So when I planned some holiday breaks, I just had to go AWOL.

For anyone who doesn't know, that means absent without leave. I probably wouldn't have known that myself if I hadn't spent four years in the WRAF (before they dropped the W) in the dim and distant past.

Funny how you can go months and months with no break from the tedium of working at home, and suddenly everyone seems to have a very good reason to want you to be somewhere else, week after week.

Last Monday it was a special birthday party in Eastbourne. This entailed breaking the journey (with a detour to south London) to overnight at my daughter's on Sunday, and then doing another overnight in an Eastbourne B&B, before visiting the birthday pal's new house (some people do manage to sell their houses and move) on Tuesday and then making the long trek home.

So, while I was in my office at home on Wednesday, I couldn't find time for my blog with all the catching up and then preparing for family descending on me on Thursday - before we took off on Friday for a long planned 4 nights in a caravan at Woolacombe. We three generations of females, grandma (me), mum and daughter(4) with friend(7) in tow, had a wow of a time. Every time we phoned our respective homes, they were drowning in rain while we were basking in sunshine. Hope it doesn't mean we've had our luck for the year.

Anyway I'm just back from there. And have be in Torquay by Friday to see my sister and some friends over a couple of days. After only two weeks free before I'm booked to babysit the 4 year old while daughter swans off to Madrid for a hen party.

And would you believe it, as I write, I get an email asking if I can do a weekend in Bovey Tracey at the end of May, and then take a call from my husband's nephew to invite us to his engagement party on 17th May - in Leicester?

Hopefully I won't be AWOL from here too often, but if you do miss me, at least you know why.

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