I’ve come across bloggers who feel guilty if they don’t post something every day. All I can say is thank goodness you don’t. It takes me enough time to check out the hundred or so blogs I look at each day in order to drop my Entrecard, without having to read every single one. I don’t know how people manage 300 drops on even one blog, let alone several, as I understand some people do.
The times I feel guilty are when I don’t manage to read all the new posts and make at least a few comments. Even leaving comments takes more time than just writing them, because after that all the new comments on that post keep arriving in my inbox. They have to be read before they are deleted. I really didn’t know what I’d be getting myself into when I started this blog.
But isn’t the blogosphere just great. How else would I get to know other freelancers from around the world as easily as this? How else would I be able to join a raft of people praying for Henry, the missing parrot, and waiting anxiously for news of his return home? How else would I meet the talking cats, dogs and horses who regularly fill my screen? How else would I meet all these wonderful people from Greece, the States, Ireland, The Phillipines, Holland, etc. all in the same day?
I love it really.
The times I feel guilty are when I don’t manage to read all the new posts and make at least a few comments. Even leaving comments takes more time than just writing them, because after that all the new comments on that post keep arriving in my inbox. They have to be read before they are deleted. I really didn’t know what I’d be getting myself into when I started this blog.
But isn’t the blogosphere just great. How else would I get to know other freelancers from around the world as easily as this? How else would I be able to join a raft of people praying for Henry, the missing parrot, and waiting anxiously for news of his return home? How else would I meet the talking cats, dogs and horses who regularly fill my screen? How else would I meet all these wonderful people from Greece, the States, Ireland, The Phillipines, Holland, etc. all in the same day?
I love it really.
I agree with you. I can't blog every day. I have too many other things to do. I think every three days is fine for me. But I am continually amazed at all the interesting people who cross my path in the blogging world. And I do hope the Maitri's missing parrot returns home safely.
I know what you mean. When I first began about two months ago I was spending 8 hours a day between posting, promoting and commenting. Now I've cut it down considerably to about 3 hours a day. Of course I can't drop more tthan about 40 or so entrecards. But I agree it is so much fun meeting people from all over the world.
I'm flattered you've included my country. I am glad too because I've got to meet all of you wonderful people and very talented writers. I speak with pride at work about my writer-friends from my blogging world.
Thanks for being one of them and for giving color my blogging world.
Hello there! Just drop my entrecard and I am from the Philippines. Maybe you could provide me with some tips about writing for Helium?
Thanks for stopping by, fy. I am still quite new to Helium and I think it will take a while to get any financial return from it. Probably the same for most people. But I am picking up some ideas.I'll think about tips and post them in my next blog post, so do come back on Friday or Saturday to take a look.
Hi jakill,
Thanks for leaving the comment wrt the cornish pasty. It was truly enlightening. To think that I actually love the part (that is supposed to be discarded) all this while.
Thanks for all the comments everyone. Sorry I neglected to approve some for a few days - that was my mistake. Anyway, we all seem to have similar thoughts about all this, which I find reassuring.
CK - I love Cornish pasties myself and have them for a treat (not too often as they're full of calories. But I always eat every crumb.
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