Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Thinking of Japan


Russ aka Grampy said...

Yes we are all watching and praying for the Japanese people. Hopefully things will stabilize soon.

Joanne Olivieri said...

It's just heartbreaking. The photos and videos are horrific to say the least. I pray daily for everyone effected.

Unknown said...

Thanks Russ and Jo. Apart from the devastation and loss, just thinking of starting on a clear up must be so daunting. And those that are left have to sit and wait to see what is going to happen next.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

its really a saddened thing :(

Unknown said...

It's beyond the scope of comprehension, our thoughts and prayers are with them- we've been trying to do what little we can by highlighting ways to help on the blog as well as hosting a giveaway of celeb inspired/designed items that all of the proceeds go to the victims. It is not much but I think if we all do some little something, it will add up.

Unknown said...

Thanks WAE & diva

Yes, it really is so sad. I've made my small donation for the victims, but however much you give, nothing will make up for all this horror.

Zg Celimen said...

Let's all pray for them. That God may give them strength to overcome this event. If we can't donate something then a prayer will do.

Unknown said...

True Zg C. Sending prayers and good vibes we can all do.

Writing Tip


Some times in publishing, it is who you know as much as what you write. Continue to work at relationships with editors.

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