Monday, 23 May 2011

Writing and Walking

Sod's law says that as soon as I need time off for family things, I get inundated with private requests at Constant Content. It's great for financial reasons, not so good for others. Some of the content needed is frankly really boring. It's also hard figuring out how to include all the keywords required and often saying the same thing in a different way over and over again. So I've decided to intersperse it with writing what I enjoy. Blogging has taken a back seat for a while, but here I am again.

My hubby was told by his GP to take more exercise, so I've also had to find time to go walking with him. This is not a problem because I love it, even if I then have to burn the midnight oil to get the work finished.

About three weeks ago, we trekked around Hengistbury Head, and that time I took my camera. What was really striking on this walk was the glorious golden gorse. 

The next day we collected my granddaughter and brought her to stay with us for a week. One day we met friends at Exbury gardens and she fell in love with their dog.

The gardens were in full bloom and every corner we turned seemed to offer a new and wonderful treat for the eyes.

Last Wednesday we did a local walk on a common full of gorse, but there were very few of its gorgeous flowers left to brighten the area. On Saturday we parked at Studland and walked out to the Old Harry Rocks, where we found a meadow full of beautiful wild flowers. Next time I will take my camera because the coastal views were stunning.


Bob Scotney said...

Good to see the gorse Jean. That on my golfcourse has died off due to the cold winter I think.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I would love walking in those gardens. The capture of your granddaughter and furbaby is smile provoking.:)

Unknown said...

Thanks Bob. Very high winds here the last two days have played with all the vegetation. Nio doubt it's been even worse where you are.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jean. Those pictures really didn't do justice to Exbury Gardens. I clicked away in vain, and have lots more.

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