Monday, 11 July 2016

Happy Holiday Memories

These pics were taken on the last holiday I had with George. He hated having his photo taken and would never pose or smile. Sometimes I would resort to taking the back view. We stayed at St Austell and this one was taken at its little port of Charlestown. I've written about it before here.

Another day we took the clay trail from St Austell to Wheal Martyn Clay Museum which, by the way, is well worth the visit. We had walked from St Austell more than 2 miles at this point because we hadn't found it easy to find where the trail started.

We were almost at the museum here and found this strange sculpture a little further on. I posted about the clay trails and Wheal Martyn on 2012 as well.

Back at our cottage George had to repair to the dog friendly smoking area outside and made friends with the resident dog.

Photographs bring back so many lovely memories.


Linda said...

Beautiful photos. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for your visit and comment Linda. I will come and visit you now.

Jenny Woolf said...

Happy pictures. And that is a strange sculpture indeed. I wonder what it is supposed to be. It looks like a chessman. Nice that the pub had a friendly dog hanging around!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jenny. You have inspired my next post. By the way, it wasn't a pub. we stayed in an annexe to a bungalow that was a holiday let that accepted dogs. The dog in the pic lived in the bungalow and that was the courtyard our annexe looked out on.

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