Monday, 18 April 2011

Brain Work

Do you ever write a word and then ralise you're not quite sure of the meaning and whether it's appropriate;  so you look it up and find it's perfect, and you needn't have worried?  I do that all the time.  Yesterday it was the word 'bijou', which turned out to mean 'small and elegant', absolutely right for the expensive little shops I was trying to describe. 

I must have this store of words in my subconscious that I've forgotten, but they pop up when they're needed. Isn't the human brain an amazingly wonderful thing?


Russ said...

The brain sure is a complex mechanism. So much stored. You just have to bring it to the surface. And I believe we all do the word thing. It either doesn't look right or sound right. But then you find out it is.

Unknown said...

Cheers, Russ. I'm glad I'm not alone with my word doubts.

Writing Tip


As you wait for the editor's response (which often feels like forever), submit your book or magazine ideas simultaneously.

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