Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Good Times and Bad Times

My blogging activities might be a bit slow this month, because there is so much going on.  I've already missed 3 of my scheduled blog postings for my two blogs.  Usually I post here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, when I also adgitize and drop EC cards.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I comment and post in my Writelink blog, and keep up with my friends over there.

I came home yesterday from a long weekend with my daughter and granddaughter, who treated me for my birthday to a ticket to The Lion King musical at the Lyceum Theatre in London (pictured alongside).  We went together and marvelled at the way the show was staged and performed.  Three generations from age seven to nearly 70 were all equally impressed. We were also busy enjoying ourselves for the rest of the time, and were really lucky with the gorgeous weather.

The only downside was hearing how my son went to a hospital appointment on Monday and now knows that he has a tumour in his head which needs to be operated on within a month. Naturally he's pretty scared and although we were expecting this, the shock is just sinking in.  I feel that I want to stay close to home now to be with him until we get the actual dates, and I'm trying to rearrange quite a few things that have been planned, so I'll be able to do that.

On top of all that, my writing commissions have picked up and I've received my first private requests from a Constant Content customer.  I'm pleased about that, but a little anxious about fitting everything in.  At least it will keep my mind off the domestic dramas.                               

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Remove any hype from your query letter or book proposal. Hype will always shine through to the experienced editor.

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