Saturday, 10 March 2012

Harrowing Work and a Wonderful Read

This week, I've been researching and writing about different types of brain injuries and how much money is needed to cope with the aftermath and make life as good as possible. Harrowing stuff. It's amazing and dreadful what can happen to people and I'm certainly counting my blessings.

In my spare time I've read a rather harrowing book, which I found just wonderful and thoroughly recommend. I picked up the The Horse Dancer by Jojo Moyes at the library, really because I was attracted by the title and the cover picture of a horse and rider silhouette paddling at the seaside. I'm a sucker  for anything with horses in it.

But this book is about so much more than a girl and her horse. I don't want to spoil it for any other reader by giving the story away, so I'll just copy the blurb on the back.

In a hidden corner of London Henri Lapachelle is teaching his granddaughter and her horse to defy gravity, just as he had done in France, fifty years previously. But when disaster strikes, 14 year old Sarah is left to fend for herself. 

Forced to share a house with her charismatic ex-husband, her professional judgement called into question, lawyer Natasha Macauley's life seems to have gone awry. When her path crosses Sarah's, she sees a chance to put things right.

But she doesn't know that Sarah is keeping a secret... one that will change all their lives for ever.

This book kept me reading long into the night. It was one of those un-put-downable gripping reads, where you just have to keep going to find put what happens next.

I'll certainly be looking out for more by Jojo Moyes.


Jenny Woolf said...

The blurb and your recommendation has made me keen to read this book now.

Unknown said...

That's good Jenny. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Paola said...

I had never heard of the author, Jill, but have just had a look at her website - looks very interesting - shall see if I can get something by her on my Kindle.

Unknown said...

Cheers, Paola. I noted the Horse Dancer was available for Kindle at Amazon.

Sharkbytes said...

Wow- sounds like a good one!

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