Monday, 26 March 2012

In My Side Bar - Madeira

Its time I wrote a post in here. And now I've got some time, but I don't know what to write about. So I've decided to look at my side bar and wait for the muse.

The first thing I see is me doing some musing in a garden in Funchal, Madeira. This garden is at the Quinta das Cruzes. Click the link to read an earlier blog post about it. I have also written a post about The English Church in Funchal. In my Wordless Wednesday posts I've included some photos I took on the island. This one is of one of the drainage channels covered in netting that flowers ramble over. Here is a pleasant nearby coastal walk. And this one is something that really surprised us as we wandered through the beautiful gardens of the Palace of Monte - a gallery of African art.

We loved our holiday in Madeira in 2007, which was before the dreadful floods that devastated Funchal and surrounding areas. I'd love top go back and see how they have coped with all that. Anyway my first excursion into my sidebar has sent me so far down memory lane that I've no time for more.

Perhaps I'll return to it again.


jeanlivingsimple said...

I hope they have recovered. Your photos really show how lovely this place was.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jean. I believe things are pretty well back to normal now in Madeira.

Writing Tip


As you wait for the editor's response (which often feels like forever), submit your book or magazine ideas simultaneously.

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