Monday, 23 April 2012

Mail Fail

This image from Wikimedia Commons is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.

I ordered some tulips for my daughter from Post-a-Rose to say thank you for all my birthday treats that she organised and financed. Tulips are her favourites. An email told me they had been despatched last Monday by Royal Mail first class post, so they should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday. But they didn't.

As they had been intended as a surprise, I waited till Thursday to enquire whether they had arrived. My daughter said that her post had not come through her letterbox till about 6 pm on Wednesday and there certainly weren't any flowers. The mail usually arrives at lunchtime so she had assumed the postman had delivered it to the wrong address and the recipients had delivered it to her that evening.

Now we think whoever it was kept the flowers. So if that did happen, who is more to blame? The postman who delivered them wrongly, or the neighbours who didn't pass them on? And will we ever know? It's not very nice not knowing which, if any, of the people you live near might do that.

Post-a-Rose are sending them again this week, at no cost to us. They say they will claim the cost from Royal Mail. Brownie points to Post-a-Rose and thumbs down to Royal Mail. I suggested she complain to her local sorting office and get them to give the postie a pep-talk.

Fingers crossed the tulips will get there safely this time, but sadly the surprise won't happen.


Jenny Woolf said...

How disappointing. I know how morale has slumped in Royal Mail latterly,and many postmen are just "casuals" who don't know the area and don't care because they'll be gone.

It is very good of the company to send a replacement, though, it must knock their profits too. I am sure she will appreciate them when she gets them, even though it won't be a surprise any more.

Unknown said...

Yes Jenny. When they finally arrived she loved them.

Writing Tip


As you wait for the editor's response (which often feels like forever), submit your book or magazine ideas simultaneously.

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