Friday, 20 April 2012

The Week After the Birthday

It's been quite hard getting back to work, after all the spoiling I got  last week. Since Monday, I've only managed 6 articles with deadlines coming up. Usually I manage two or three a day. Of course, I have to dovetail them with keeping house for hubby and son, plus caring for my lovely dog, and there was a bit of catching up to do. And I took Wednesday off for the senior screen film followed by lunch with some friends.

The film was The Descendants, and I wasn't overly impressed, apart from the wonderful scenery of the setting in Hawaii, and George Clooney's gorgeous mournful eyes. The story was rather depressing - good acting though. Here's the trailer.

Next week it's W-E, short for Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII. I have my ticket already. Hope it's good.

The weather hasn't been wonderful. This morning I got some washing almost dry outside. Fortunately I brought it indoors before we went out after lunch. Fortunately, because I ended up walking Jade in a hailstorm.

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Writing Tip


As you wait for the editor's response (which often feels like forever), submit your book or magazine ideas simultaneously.

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