Friday, 19 August 2016

Egypt Again

I've had a rough week with lots of pain. Thought at one time it was diverticulitis, but after lots of tests and prodding it turns out not to be the case. Just more of the side effects of the medication that is controlling the cancer. At least it seems to be doing that. Feeling better now but pretty exhausted.

So I thought I'd look back on some happier times.

The last overseas holiday George and I took was to Luxor where our hotel on the banks of the River Nile had this enormous chess board in the garden, in front of the swimming pool.

I organised this for his birthday as he had alsways wanted to visit the Valley of the Kings not far away in the desert. We did this and other tourist things there, including a visit to the temple of HapSetSut.

And we had our one and only ride on a camel along the west bank of the river.

Afterwards I wrote this article which is still for sale at Constant Content


Jenny Woolf said...

Your nice pictures brought back memories for me although our hotel (though backing on to the Nile) didn't have a chess set. It must have been not too far from ours though. Those tombs were so impressive. I really hope your pain gets better soon. Constant pain is so wearing.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jenny. I am much better now. Our hotel was a real oasis in Luxor, but the whole holiday was wonderful.

Paola said...

What lovely happy memories, Jean.

Unknown said...

Thank you Paola.

Writing Tip


As you wait for the editor's response (which often feels like forever), submit your book or magazine ideas simultaneously.

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