Wednesday, 7 September 2016

At the Weekend

We had family visitors and Sunday was a blessed day. we got ahead with the roastie preparations quite early and put a leg of lamb in the oven or a slow cook. Then we took the dogs to Sandbanks dog beach. I couldn't walk the distance so we took a folding chair and my great nephew opted to stay with me while the others walked to the end of the beach and back. He had a great time digging a large hole with his hands and then burying his feet.

We were covered in sloppy love when the dogs spotted us on their way back and came haring over.

After this we drove to the lifeboat museum at the quay and purchased some crabbing items, so we could spend a happy hour catching the crabs that come close hunting the bait. They seem to know they won't be hurt and will end up back in the water. Here's that great nephew enjoying the experience.

And here's my son who got really into it and caught more than anyone else.

Our lamb roastie was very welcome after all that activity.


Linda D said...

A perfect day for all concerned - even the crabs!

Joanne Olivieri said...

What fun, I am so glad you had such a great time with family. Great photos capturing the perfect day.

Writing Tip


Some times in publishing, it is who you know as much as what you write. Continue to work at relationships with editors.

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