Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Diabetes Hits

It’s official. I have diabetes 2 along with my high blood pressure. This is all wrong. My lifestyle isn’t that bad. I know I sit at the computer for about 6 hours a day, but that is broken up by dog walks and an exercise video. I know I’m a bit over weight and love my food, but I do try to eat sensibly and get my 5 a day.

However, the blood tests don’t lie, and I have been feeling pretty exhausted lately. The doc sent me to a diabetes clinic this morning where I am to be educated about it. Not much in today’s session was new to me except being told that a) I can still eat SOME chocolate and b) the reason a meal doesn’t always satisfy me is because  when you have diabetes it takes longer for your brain to realise the tummy is full. I didn’t know that before.

Anyway that, followed by searching the shops for some new curtains, took up the whole of my morning.  Jade wasn’t happy because first I didn’t have time to throw her science diet nuts around for her to retrieve, and then she was driven off and away from me at the hospital, with a sad little face peering at me through the car window. She didn’t eat her nuts until her playtime after lunch.

I did manage to get an article written this afternoon, which was just as well because the deadline for that one is tomorrow. And I have scheduled in another of those horrible landing pages to write this evening. I’m off to make a salad now.


Jenny Woolf said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have diabetes. Sometimes I think it's just a susceptibility to it, some people have massively unhealthy lifestyles but don't get it. I hope your doctor helps you manage it and keep it under control

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Bummer- hope they can get everything under control. Jade is such a cutie!

Paola said...

Oh dear, Jean...but I know it can be kept under brother-in-law's health has hugely improved since his diabetes was diagnosed...let's hope you get your energy back soon...

Unknown said...

Jenny - thanks. I've been referred to a clinic and am being educated.

Joan - thanks. I hope so too, and it looks as though that will be the case. Jade sends best wishes.

Paola - thanks also. The energy lack is the real problem,so I'll just have to follow advice and wait and see. At least it will all be monitored now.

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