Friday, 7 March 2014

Definite Signs of Spring

Daffodils are everywhere. We have miniature ones in our back garden. This afternoon we ambled along beside Holes Bay with Jade, and the clumps that just had buds last week are now sporting beautiful golden heads that dip and dance in the breeze.

They were quite a tonic, even though there were some threatening clouds in the sky. It was the first time I've been further than our local park for a few days while I have been feeling so rough. Hubby has been very good about taking Jade out in the afternoons without me. But the stroll has tired me and I'm off now to find my Kindle and rest up with a good book.


Linda D said...

Brilliant, aren't they? Even though I've just heard a weather warning for frost at night those spring flowers do brighten up the days - and our lives. Hope you're fully recovered from the lurgy now.

Jenny Woolf said...

I've picked a few daffs from the garden that have fallen over (stalks too long, maybe I planted them somewhere too dark). They brighten up the room and I love their subtle scent too.

Sharkbytes said...

Really amazing how daffodils can cheer us up!

Paola said...

Wow, these are so cheery!

Unknown said...

Linda - they are indeed a tonic

Jenny - I have a bunch in my kitchen/diner now

Joan & Paola - I think it's the bright, sunny colour.

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