Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The Great Outdoors

Today I've been writing about health and safety training, and trying to get my head around wireless presentation systems enough to write about them. In between I just have to get out, and walking Jade is my salvation.

We walked the common above our local beach and then went down the steps to the sands. Jade chased a stone, dig some digging and when we arrived back at the car, it was still in her mouth and she even carried it  to her bed inside the house. Then we had to relieve her of it, but it's just outside the door so she can play with it again if she wants.


Sharkbytes said...

Glad you got out. I've known dogs who play with stones like that. Seems so odd to me.

Unknown said...

We do go out every day, Joan. But I missed the walk today. Had so many errands to run this morning and an article to write this afternoon. Poor Jade sat in the car for nearly two hours and had to rush into the garden when we got home at lunchtime. But hubby took her for a walk after lunch.

Writing Tip


Professional writers keep a log of their submissions and after an appropriate amount of time, gently ask their editor for a progress report.

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