Friday, 14 March 2014

Jade's Health

Jade went for her annual check up and jabs this week. The vet confirmed what I feared. She needs to lose a few kilos. I've cut down the treats and halved the amount of Science Diet nuts she gets for breakfast and supper. She's not very happy about that. Tonight I tried to cheer her up by adding a little cooked cod and salmon, leftovers from our meal, which she wolfed down. Tomorrow I intend to replace the nuts with some cooked rice, which she does usually like.

I also lengthened our afternoon walk a little. It's a pity she doesn't enjoy galloping around with other dogs as most of them do. She's even ambivalent about chasing after a ball and will leave it on the ground for me to retrieve after she has sniffed it. She does perk up a bit on the beach and will collect stones I throw for her after she's had a good time digging them into the sand and out again.

Jade also needs to have her teeth scaled, which has to be done under anaesthetic. I phoned my insurers today to see if I could claim for that, of course the answer was no. Now I'll have to get my skates on and book it as they have a special offer on it this month. It will only cost me £150!

Not cheap owning a dog these days.


David Robinson said...

As long as she's well, Jean. My dogs have always cost us a fortune in vet fees, but that's part of the price and the pleasure they bring into our lives is worth it.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Aw, she is so adorable and hope she is well soon.

Unknown said...

Hi David. Good to see there's one area in life for which you don't mind putting your hand in your pocket. LOL. But you are right about what we get out of it. It's just a good job I'm still able to earn some pennies as it would be hard to cover it all on my pensions.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jo. She's not ill really. Just got very lazy because of her weight. And the teeth scaling is to prevent gum disease.

Sharkbytes said...

Wow, you had me scared with that title, what with John's Dash in such a pickle. More walks!

Unknown said...

Sorry to scare you, Joan. Longer walks are a priority, I think. It's really sad about Dash. Will you be getting another dog?

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh boy I feel for Jade sometimes. I don't like galloping around either and never did :) Thank goodness I enjoy cycling and walking, which don't have to be done at high speed.

Unknown said...

Well Jenny. I haven't managed to get Jade on a bike, but she does like walking, or rather ambling and wandering.

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