He's now less than £50 off his £1000 sponsorship target, which is fabulous. ( http://fundraise.unicef.org.uk/MyPage/Deans-first-half-marathon-for-UNICEF#.UxStAfl_vXq )
Now I'm still feeling somewhat rough but trying, in dribs and drabs, to catch up with all I intended to do over the weekend.
Ugh- Sorry you aren't feeling well. It's the pits. Get well soon.
Thank you, Joan. :Think I'm getting there.
Oh dear, sounds miserable, but you must be over it now!
Thanks Paola. This has hit me quite hard. I'm still coughing a lot and getting tired and achy as each day wears on, but feeling good in the mornings, so it shouldn't be long now.
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