Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Friday, 17 December 2010
Remembering Egypt
But that man proved to be an exception. Everyone else we met couldn't have been more friendly and helpful. True, we were followed by people trying to do business with us, which we had ben warned about, but we soon got used to that.
The other thing I wasn't too impressed with was the noise and smelliness. Mainly the smell was from the horses that pulled the caleches, which together with taxis ancient and modern, formed the only options for getting around other than on foot or by boat. I love horses but this smell could be pretty overwhelming. We didn't take the caleches because I couldn't bear the thought of one of those horses having to put our weight combined with the driver.
Once I got used to all this, I really began to marvel at what I was seeing. In any case our luxury hotel was an oasis away from it all. We really were beside the River Nile and we went on it as well, taking one full day cruise and using the small boats that plied for our trade. We took trips in the deserts of the West Bank visiting out of town temples and the tombs of the Valleys of the Kings and Queens. And we visited the temples in Luxor itself and learnt about the Avenue of Sphinxes.
Here are some more pictures of the sights inside Luxor Temple.
This row of feluccas on the Nile was moored not far from our hotel.
Below is a list of some of my older posts where you can read more about this holiday.
Returning From Holidays
Female Pharoah
Cleopatra's Swimming Pool
Nile-side Village
Colossus of Memnon
Egyptian Evening Haiku
The Horses of Luxor
Sugar Beet Factory on the Nile
Egyptian Pool
Avenue of the Sphinxes
Nile Views Again
Egyptian Contrasts
Photographing Luxor Temples
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
Helium and Constant Content
I've written about this here before, so you may already know that my practice is to post articles at CC, making them availabel for both exclusive and non-exclusive rights at appropriate different prices. If they sell for non-exclusive rights, I usually post them to a relevant Helium title so I'd get a little more income from their up-front payments and revenue share. One was even purchased from there, but they only paid me $5 for it and I have no idea what the buyer paid them.
There won't be any more up-front payments from Helium though. They have decided they will now only pay up-front for exclusive rights, although authors can still post non-exclusive work for revenue share.
I thought about this and looked at what they are likely to pay out. But why should I offer articles exclusively to them for a fraction of the price I can get by selling at CC. This month I am over $50 up for selling two articles at CC, whereas I might get $10 for two articles from Helium if I am lucky and my work is rated high enough. It would probably be more likely to be $2, or even zilch.
Some writers say they can earn a living at Helium. To do that they must have hundreds or thousands articles on the site. But they would still earn a good deal more at CC if their work was of good emough quality.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Pegasus and Son Martorellet
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Holidays Reminders: Menorca
Anyway I thought I'd remind myself of a holiday in warmer climes with my photos today. They were taken in Menorca in the summer of 2008. The first one is of a lake in a nature reserve like the one behind our beach.
The next is of the seashore from inside the fort of Mola.
We had a good holiday in Menorca, the only one of the three Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean off Spain that we hadn't visited before. It's good to have lots of photographs that remind you of places you've been to in the world.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Snowy Views
At last the snow has reached us and we woke up this morningto several inches of it. You may have seen my cherry tree in spring and/or in autumn. Here it is in winter.
This was the view of our back yard and its surrounds from our bedroom window at 8.30 this morning. In the foreground is the flat roof od the extension that houses our kitchen/diner.
Our neighbours next door have a pond with a bridge and tall trees at the end of their garden.
Can you see the cat in the branches of this tree? It is in the garden of neighbours whose house backs onto our side. I took this picture through our landing window and cropped it around the cat.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Another Willow
If you happened to be reading my blog last July, you might remember how I love willow trees. I took this picture of a gorgeous specimen from the opposite bank of the River Wye in Hereford. Next to it was a rather scruffy island being used by the water fowl. I thought it made a really pretty picture trailing its leafy branches in the water.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Technical Glitches and Cinderella
Which reminds me, the Writelinkers Christmas 2010 Ezine is out. Do check out all the Writelinker contributions by clicking the link. My own is on page 20. I wrote about going to pantomimes and used this illustration from the 1865 issue of Cinderella that I found at Wikimedia Commons.
Monday, 15 November 2010
The 2010 Jigsaw
This is our last jigsaw puzzle which has taken months to complete. It was 1500 pieces and we bought it unopened at a bargain price in a charity shop. All but half a dozen pieces were put together by my hubby, as I have been pretty busy with other things and haven't had much leisure time at home. Hubby was so glad when it was finished. He said it was really hard work fitting together all that sea and sky. Didn't he do well?
Friday, 12 November 2010
Entrecard Dropping

I know people have different reasons for opening a blog and are free to post what they like provided it's not plagiarised, but I don't see why I should be forced to open ones that get me so aerated. Usually it's because they have clearly purchased and posted 1 dollar automated articles that hardly make sense and rarely follow the theme of the blog's title.
I have considered leaving EC altogether as quite a few have already. I believe I get lots of traffic from adgitize anyway. But there some EC friends I don't want to lose touch with, so I'll continue with it for now.
Perhaps it's time to update my favourites and do my dropping from there.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Dry Stone Walling
We went for a walk recently at Durlston Country Park on the cliffs above Swanage, and came across these examples of dry stone walling. I’d heard that classes in the craft are run there, so thought this must be a result of them. Don’t you think they are very artistic for something with such a practical use?
Monday, 8 November 2010
River Wye and Hereford
I've already shown you a picture of the giant statue guarding our car, and of course it was only a matter of time before I gave you a classic view of the cathedral from the other side of the river.
It was only a short walk along the river bank to an attractive footbridge to get back to the town centre.
On the other side of that bridge, we found a grand memorial pillar guarded by canons.
I wasn't a complete stranger to the town as I'd spent a few weeks close by on a training course in my youth, but all I could remember was the riverside walks and the cathedral. Although it has inevitable changed, it was good to go back and retrieve some happy memories.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Are Your Children Happy and Joyful?
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Cherry Tree in Autumn
Monday, 1 November 2010
Walking With Batgirl
A couple of weekends ago I had a visit from my daughter, granddaughter and the little dog they often look after. We were lucky enough to have some good weather for our walk in Upton Country Park along the top of Holes Bay. When we met other walkers, they were all anused by the batgirl costume.
Friday, 29 October 2010
This first one shows a pig and a monkey facing away from each other.
Not too sure about this one. It looks a bit like a develish naked cellist.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Another Award
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Technical Problem and Lots of Work
I'm supposed to be retired and just blogging and writing to fill up my days. Yesterday I drafted a marketing leaflet for my daughter's new business. Today I had a meeting with a client that still needs me and I've just received a commission for website content for three new sites needed yesterday. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Meanwhile I've started to sort out a post about an award I've received and need to pass on, but I'm too tired to sort out all the links tonight. I need to post in order to get my adgitize earnings today so I thought I'd just let you know what I have in store for your reading delight and call it a day.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Swans on the Stour
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010
Home from the Hols
There was a bonus for us on the way home as well. We stopped off to visit another pub run by some people we knew when we lived in our last house. It had been a while since we'd seen them and we were able to meet their 11 month old son and learn that their next child will be born in February. Some doting grandparents, also friends of ours, were there too, and then in walked two more people from our old town, with Bramble, the gorgeous springer spaniel who stays with us when her master needs a break. So we had an unexpected reunion with some lovely mates, before it was time to get on the road again.
I took loads of photos and, when I've managed all my catching up, I'll be posting some of the places we visited.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Odds and sods, and Corfe Castle
Monday, 27 September 2010
T S Eliot
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Garden Duty

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Sciving by the Sea

Today was a gorgeous one for striding out in Hamworthy Park and I stole some time off from the computer. All the beach huts were locked well up, but I noted the usual dog walkers, plus a few mums and tots on the sand. And I found myself envying a woman who had tucked a folding chair into a corner of the wall and was sitting with her head in a book.
From the far end of a groin on the beach, I noticed some dots moving around between the boats far out in Poole harbour. At first I thought they were some brave swimmers, but as they came nearer I realised they were kayakers. We have a lot of them in the harbour and there are classes and clubs.
Reluctantly, after that twenty minute scive, I collected my car, completed my errands and returned to my office. I should be feeling rejuvenated, but actually I’m just wishing I was still out there.
Pic by Les Chatfield
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Comment U Back Again
I figured if someone goes to that much trouble they deserve some reaction, so I’ve joined up again. This

Many thanks to everyone who does come here regularly, and welcome to any newcomers. I’ll always do my best to return visits and apologise that it’s not always possible.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Mottisfont: The Angel in the Corner

Others want to tour the ancient house itself and find out about its history.

Lots must miss this angel in the corner of the right hand turret in the picture.

There is also a riverside walk and an estate to roam; a secondhand bookshop I love to browse; and a cafe serving scrumptious home made snacks and meals.
I didn't get there again this year. I'll make sure it's on the list for next year.
Writing Tip
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