I really admire people who manage to post on their blog
every day. Look at John Sealander’s Some Assembly Required
and Joan Young’s My Quality Day, for example. I can’t
even read blogs every day, let alone write mine, but I catch up with them and
others a couple of times a week.
Some of my writing pals have actually committed themselves
to a daily stint with the A-Z Challenge. They are now up to P so over half way.
I recommend Bob’s Home for Writing (Bob is even posting while unwell at the
moment, and I wish him well soon) and David
Robinson’s blog – David is managing to promote his published books via the
A-Z Challenge. I’m interested to see if he can keep that up all the way through
the alphabet. He’s a fantastic writer, by the way, and I am an avid collector
of his work.
For myself, I try to publish a post three times a week and
usually manage that, but have been known to slip. My work is mostly ghost
writing so I can’t promote it, except for articles for sale at Constant Content, or pieces published
under my byline on other sites such as Travel Through
History. That reminds me I haven’t
visited that blog for a while – Ruth’s travel blog is
not updated daily either, but that won’t stop me hopping over to take a look.
I also admire people who blog every day. I don't blog every day, either and I don't intend to do so. I pay more attention to the quality of my blog and I try to make sure that there is something meaningful to say. I enjoy reading your blog.
Hi Julia
Thanks for your comment, and sorry it has taken me so long to reply. i like reading your blog too.
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